
Mission is the heartbeat of God, and so, HCBC holds on to the conviction that “Life is Mission”. This slogan spells out the Great Commission that our Lord Jesus has given us before He ascended to heaven. We strongly believe that Jesus started his mission to reach out and save the lost through preaching and witnessing. He has given us the command in Matthew 28:18-20 to do likewise:

“All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. Therefore, go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.”

Let us be found faithful to our calling to proclaim the Gospel!

传是神的心意,因此,盼望社區浸信教會坚信“生命就是使命”。我们的主耶稣升天之前就赋予我们此伟大使命。 我们坚信耶稣以透过宣讲和见证开始祂的使命,拯救失落的人。在马太福音28:18-20神已给了我们这个使命:



Missionaries and Christian Organisations

  • Sis. Koh Lee Ling (Overseas) 高丽玲姊妹(中亚洲)
  • Dr. Loh Kim Cheng (Local) 罗金真博士(本地)

Christian Organizations 基督教机构

  • Malaysia Baptist Convention 马来西亚浸联会
  • National Evangelical Christian Fellowship 国家基督徒福音团契

Prayer Items for HCBC Mission Work

Sis. Koh Lee Ling 高丽玲姊妹

  • For the disciples, pray for wisdom and peace among the like-minded that they seek to honor God as they wait indefinitely for confirmation of their status.
  • Wisdom and increase in compassion and knowledge for her as ministers working with refugees under the current atmosphere.
  • Continued perseverance and joy in the journey.
  • Salvation of her family.

Dr. Loh Kim Cheng 罗金真博士

  • Opportunities to speak the Word and to inspire all who hear, to have hope in Christ.
  • A discerning and compassionate heart as she journey with staffs and students from different countries.

Seminary Support 支持神学院

  • God to raise up more Christian to answer to full time calling to shepherd His church.

  • Each member will give generously and faithfully pray for mission work at HCBC.
  • God will raise one person to study at the seminary, and four interns to be trained at HCBC.
  • God will lead HCBC to a new Mission point where a team will be sent to support the work.
  • Malaysia Baptist Convention and National Evangelical Christian Fellowship will foster closer ties with local churches to fulfil the Great Commission in Malaysia.

2020 Missions Budget 2020年的差传

Local Mission Support 资助国内差传 14,300
Overseas Mission Support 资助海外差传 14,300
Christian Organizations 基督教机构 3,000
Seminary Students & Interns 资助神学生 12,000
Mission Trips 差传短宣 10,000
General Expenses 其他支出 1,900
Grand Total 总数 RM 55,500

Will you partner with us so that together, we can reach the world for the Lord? HCBC Missions endeavour is based on faith pledges. Members are reminded that the support of missions work is to be above and beyond their tithes. Please indicate “Missions Fund” on the offering envelope,at the back of the cheque or credit directly into our Public Bank account (Acc. no.: 3190001304) and advise us by e-mail upon doing so. All contributions should be made out to:

Hope Community Baptist Church
and send to 2, Jalan 8/95B, Taman Cheras Utama, 56100 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

您是否愿意成为盼望社區浸信教會差传的伙伴,把福音传到世界各地? 盼望社區浸信教會的努力差传是本於信心的奉献。是十一奉献以外的奉献。 请在奉献的信封上和支票后面注明“差传”。並且写给:
Hope Community Baptist Church
或直接存入教会户口 (大众银行: 3190001304) 以电子邮件通知或寄至以下地址:
2,Jalan 8 / 95B,Taman Cheras Utama,56100 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

Mission Pledge Card

Click Here for the Mission Pledge Card.
請按 此處 以取得差传认献卡.

For more information 更多详情

If you would like to be part of the mission field, or have any questions, please visit our contact page to drop us an email or give us a call. You could also pay us a visit on Sunday.
如果您想成为我们差传领域的一份子,或有任何疑问,请联系我们的电子邮件联系页面 或以电话联络我们。 您也可以在星期天拜访我们。